Wills and Codicils
"Wills" which includes "Codicils" is a written instrument which is a person's wishes, which appoints and Executor, directs how property my be disposed, or revokes another will. It takes effect after his death, and which by its own terms is revocable during a person's lifetime.
Living Trust or Revocable Trust
A living trust can be used to manage assets before and after death, a trust in which the settlor reserves to himself the right to revoke. It is also a trust which is operative during life of settlor. Living trust must be very carefully drafted with the help of an attorney in order to achieve the desired goals.
Court-Created Trusts
Terri regularly drafts Texas Property Code §142 Trusts which permits the establishment of a court created trust for investment of funds accruing for the benefit of a minor or incapacitated individual in a civil lawsuit.
She is also proficient in drafting Texas Probate Code §876 Management Trusts, which permits the creation of a trust in a guardianship proceeding and works with various companies establishing structured settlements and annuities for incapacitated and/or minors to provide for their long term needs.
Inter Vivos Trust
Trust created during the lifetime of a settlor and to become effective in his lifetime as contrasted with a testamentary trust which takes effect at the death of the settlor or testator.
"Settlor" means a person who creates a trust or contributes property to a trust. The terms "Grantor" and "Trustor" mean the same as "Settlor"
"Trust Property" means property placed in trust by one of a settlor, grantor or trustee or property transferred to or acquired or retained by the Trustee for the Trust. A "Trustee" holds the trust property.
Talk to us and let Terri Green draft your trust today!
Contact us online at Terri@TerriGreenlaw.com or call: (972) 731-2609 for an initial consultation.